Number the Stars Essay Topics: Popular Novel Gives Cause for Reflection

An outstanding story of Lois Lowry entitled ‘Number the Stars’ is a popular subject for students’ essays. There are numerous Number the Stars essay topics that imply checking whether the students understood why the novel for children is so popular and why it has received a Newberry Award. It is life story of a young girl who witnesses World War II events in Denmark occupied by Nazi. Check the list of topics that require profound knowledge of the plot and understanding of the story characters. 

  1. Will Ellen feel bitter as an adult? Why do you think so?
  2. What do you think will be Ellen’s reminiscences about Annemarie and her family? Will the feelings she has to the Johansens be impacted by her attitude to the German soldiers?
  3. Do you think that Ellen and Annemarie will have the events coming back in their dreams? Their painful experiences in childhood will definitely have certain psychological effects in the long-term perspective. What do you think they will be? 
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  1. In your opinion, what motivated some non-Jewish families help Jews, while others were absolutely indifferent? Why did Peter and Lise save others risking their own lives in the times of Nazi occupation?
  2. The percentage of Jewish population in Europe who survived World War II at the age of under-16 is 11 percent. The total population of 1.7 million in 1939 had only approximately from 10,000 to 100,000 Jewish children saved during the Holocaust. Why do you think the overall number of children who escaped death was so insignificant?
  3. The childhood of Holocaust witnesses was over very early. What do you think changed in them?  
  4. Do you think Ellen is dreaming about taking revenge on the German people? 
  5. Do you think that one more Holocaust is possible again? Who would you blame: crazy leaders or their supporters among the public? 
  6. Is it possible to prevent events similar to Holocaust?
  7. What population groups were persecuted by Hitler?
  8. What is the story setting (tell about the period, background of the main events, location and other details).
  9. Explain the meaning of the “handkerchief” and its efficiency in the story.  
  10. Tell about the peculiar features of organized resistance of Danish to the Nazis.
  11. Annemarie experienced a lot of hardships. What did they teach her about devoted friendship, being proud, and courage?
  12. Tell about the development of Annemarie as a character.
  13. What is the connection of the Psalm 147 on pages 86-87 to the title and to the ending?

Check the Number the Stars essay topics and choose the one you consider to be the most suitable for you personally. 

  1. Is Jewish New Year meaningful for the Jewish population? Why?
  2. Suspense makes the story exciting for the readers. Tell about the techniques used to build tension and draw the readers’ attention.  
  3. Tell about a combination of fiction and real-life scenes in the story.
  4. Analyze Annemari’s personal development throughout the novel.  
  5. How can you explain Peter’s eagerness to face death in struggling against the Germans?
  6. Does Annemarie perceive pride in the same way throughout the story?
  7. Analyze the development of relationships between Annemarie and Kirsti. 
  8. What is the main tone of the novel Number the Stars? Why is it chosen by the author?
  9. Are the German soldiers presented in the story different or do they appear as a generalized character? 
  10. What is Lise’s function in the novel? 
  11. What does the symbol of Ellen’s necklace mean?

Your professor will highly value if you choose one of the Number the Stars essay topics and express your opinion sincerely.

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