How to Write an Interview Paper

Once a student, tasked with creating an interview paper, chooses a topic for the paper, he/she starts wondering how to write an interview essay introduction. To help every learner receive high grades for this assignment, our team of professional writers has provided this article. Here, every step that you are to take is described clearly and shortly. In case you feel that you need more help in writing your essay, consider buying it from our academic writing service. As you can see from our customers’ testimonials, we are a reliable company that exceeds our clients’ expectations. We provide unique, high-quality academic papers while thoroughly protecting students’ personal information and reputation. In general, an interview essay is a document that presents a specific point of view on a problem, phenomenon, or concept, based on the answers provided by an interviewee or several people. This means one needs to conduct one or several interviews to obtain answers that will be used in the paper. The gathered data should be carefully analyzed, categorized, and organized to be further presented in your work.
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Preparation Process

To begin with, you should contact your interviewees to set a place, as well as time to meet with them. Keep in mind that you should get permission (written consent) for recording the interviewees’ answers or taking pictures. Always explain to your target population who you are and what your key goals are. The participants should express their consent concerning the application of the recorded material or provided data. Find a comfortable place, for instance, a restaurant, a café, a library, or an office. Once you have made all the arrangements, ensure to get to the set place on time.

The Process of Conducting the Interview

No matter whether you record the dialogue on your phone or your voice recorder, it is recommended to take some notes. This measure will assist you in remembering some points that seem to be very interesting, important, or unique. Utilize a recording device in case you need to clarify the context of some phrases or words during the process of your research writing. Try to be respectful and patient. The interviewed person should have some time to think of and figure out the necessary answers. Try to arrange a relaxed and pleasant environment for your conversation. Still, do not waste time discussing things that are unimportant. Be always result-oriented and pragmatic.

Settle on the Format of Your Future Writing

Usually, if students are assigned to craft an essay, they are provided with instructions on its format. Talk to your teacher to clear out all the details, including the questions or answers expected, the application of paraphrasing, in-text citations, etc. Generally, there are two most common types of interview papers, as indicated below: Narrative interview essays are frequently assigned tasks at different educational institutions. In these papers, some answers may be paraphrased. Such a format also allows presenting background info. The question-answer essays should contain direct quotes only. The list of questions and answers should be presented in the form of a dialogue. It should be noted that it is allowed to add some comments in the parentheses. This format suits essays that present the responses from one or two interviewees or a group of closely related people, for instance, spouses or a film cast.

Prepare a Detailed Outline

An outline can differ depending on the type of writing. However, it should comprise an introduction that is to describe your subject and the aim of the interview. You can begin it with an interesting anecdote or fact. This fact/anecdote can be included in your outline. Next, think about ways to familiarize your readers with key points and prepare your thesis statement. It is advised to support your central statement with specific facts, and provide a summary of the presented info in the conclusion. Most of the essays imply a 5-paragraph structure (the introduction, three body paragraphs, as well as the conclusion). The same structure could be applied while composing your paper. It is recommended to make notes during and after the interview. You should consider both the most essential sections of the interview, as well as key themes while communicating with a person. This info will assist you in defining what you are going to dwell on and in what order questions and answers should be placed.

Thesis Statement Preparation

If your piece of writing is aimed at only introducing your readers to the person, your thesis statement should be a concise and clear summary of his or her background, experiences, qualifications, achievements, and skills. If the interview is utilized in your essay in order to support a specific position or present an opinion on broad problematic issues, the thesis statement can formulate such a position, indicating the interviewee in the context of the issue under study.

Compose Your Piece of Writing

The body of your writing should be related to your thesis statement and present the interview in detail. Papers that reflect specific conversations usually comprise many repetitive terms or phrases. Thus, you should polish your piece of writing and delete all unnecessary or unneeded elements. You should always focus on the subject of your essay. You can find plenty of useful and practical info on interview essays on the Internet. Visit different websites of prestigious and well-known universities or colleges and read through articles. For instance, the website of the University of North Carolina Writing Center provides many useful tips on how to get rid of constantly repeated phrases, and how to utilize transcriptions. You may also find some instructions and recommendations on how to share your personal experience. There are also many databases of interview assignments for students that you can easily refer to. You can even upload some samples for further analysis.

Finish an Interview Essay Accordingly

In fact, there are numerous ways to end your interview essay. A proper conclusion of your written work can present the following aspects:
  • your considerations in terms of the answers provided by interviewees;
  • the impact of responses on your thoughts;
  • the answers to your questions, indicated in the introduction, that are based on the results of the interview;
  • the logical and clear ending of the essay.
Furthermore, the conclusion may prove, refute or support the idea you mentioned at the beginning of your piece of writing. The matter is that it should be well-thought-out, coherent, and understandable. Always proofread and edit your essay so as to avoid different mistakes, typos, or repetitions. We hope that our guidelines on how to write an interview paper were very informative and clear, and we expect that you will be capable of composing a quality paper.
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