Fair Discount Policy is a custom writing service that provides students with fairly priced academic papers of different types. If you would like to get papers at a cheap price, is exactly the service you need. Apart from affordable prices, we offer generous discounts to both new and returning clients. Therefore, if you want to purchase even more orders, we can offer you papers even at cheaper prices because our discounts show how much we value our customers.

If you do not know what kind of discount you can get, do not hesitate to contact our online support agents, and they will inform you about all possible discounts. Please remember that several factors influence a type of discount, namely, if the customer is a new one or returning one, how many pages he/she has ordered, etc.
Types of Discounts
If you have ordered more than 30 pages, you will get a 5% discount. It will be automatically applied to your account.
If you have ordered more than 50 pages, you will get a 10% discount. It will be used to all your future orders.
If you have ordered more than 100 pages, you will get a 15% discount (it will be applied to your account starting from the 101st page).