Deductive Essay

College freshmen always wonder why they are assigned so many writing tasks, especially essays. The answer is simple – this is the easiest way to assess one’s knowledge of a specific subject. To make things worse, students are often confused with the variety of essay types. Thus, looking for a deductive essay example is what learners often do when being tasked with this work. For you to produce a decent paper of this kind, we have prepared a clear explanation of what a deductive essay is, what steps you need to follow to write it, topics for this type of task and useful tips to help you get high grades.
Deductive reasoning essays are perfect means of measuring students’ competence and writing skills. They demonstrate how students construct plausible hypothesis based on the given clues or circumstances.
In other words, a deductive essay solves the riddle by analyzing the existent evidence in case ample information is provided. The aim of writing a deductive essay is to teach students to apply their logical thinking. Deductive logic is considered the most efficient method of analyzing complex issues, as it helps come to a reasonable conclusion. Note that deduction relies on valid arguments only. Consider the following example of a deductive statement: “Moody students are the only ones behaving in such a way. About a quarter of freshmen display such behavior. It means that 25% of students feel dispirited.” Certainly, when writing a deductive essay, you will need to provide more than one argument in order to reach a logical conclusion. The aforementioned example shows the main feature of such type of paper.
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How to Prepare a Solid Deductive Essay in 5 Simple Steps


A deductive essay has to be reasonable. No personal point of view about the investigated issue should be provided. Thus, make sure you do not express your opinion about the discussed subject.

Picking a Topic

One should pay special attention to choosing a subject for a deductive essay. It is better not deal with topics arousing profound emotions. The thing is that it is very hard to remain impartial and produce a reasonable work when the topic touches you deeply. Try to select an engaging topic which, however, does not affect you greatly.

Introductory Paragraph

It should present the issue you are going to discuss and provide basic data about it. Since a deductive essay rests on hard facts, the information disclosed in the introduction has to be properly examined. A thesis statement should highlight the fundamental point of your paper. For instance, if you need to create a deductive essay about the lack of international students in a certain university, a thesis can be the following: “The lack of international students in the University is caused by a complex admission procedure.”


The body should clearly explain a thesis statement. Each its paragraph should contain a topic sentence introducing the issue that is going to be analyzed. The following sentences should support the thesis by presenting relevant facts about the discussed matter. Remember to use reliable sources only. Moreover, avoid providing your personal opinion about the analyzed problem.

Concluding Paragraph

Here, you need to summarize the data provided in your piece of writing. You may also make some recommendation for the future. For example, let us go back to the example with the University. You may suggest making the admission process less complicated. Thus, more international students will be able to study there.

Topics for Deductive Essay Writing

Deductive essay topics should be paid close attention to, as they raise serious questions. Consequently, in the process of writing, the writer should use his/her skills to cover the topic fully. The complexity of deductive essays is in the fact that the writer should provide reasonable evidences to support his/her claim. The following are various topics you can choose for your essay:
  • How can we explain the fact that it is easier for people to blame others for some mistakes instead of admitting them?
Why is such behavior often popular not only among children (blaming others for things they broke) but also among adults? Why don’t people want to be responsible for what they did?
  • Can we call the abortion justified?
The issue should be considered from objective viewpoint, as well as the social one. In addition, subjective discussion of the question may lead to stronger argument, as it presents the point of view of only one person. The issue should be discussed taking into account its justification by the state and law.
  • Can we call cloning a morally right thing to do?
Discussing this topic, the writer is expected to present valid and strong arguments to prove that his ideas are correct. Regardless of the side the writer takes, he cannot just limit his/her discussion to personal opinions. The opinions of the society have to be taken into account as well.
  • Do problems make us stronger?
Given that grief caused by some unpleasant situations in life is often considered worse than physical pain, can we say that it is a good way to become stronger mentally and psychologically? Is sorrow really worse than physical suffering?
  • Is traditional education better than the online one?
This is a bright example of the topic that requires comparison of two viewpoints. Such topics are very common, as teachers want to see whether students can analyze both sides of the issue objectively. On the one hand, you will have to consider the cost of traditional and online education, arguing that traditional one is more expensive compared to the online education. On the other hand, online education can be considered as the one that deprives the students of the opportunity to make friends, which may have negative effect on their ability to socialize. While choosing among the variety of deductive essay topics, make sure the problem under analysis really bothers you. This way, you will be highly interested in the work. You will not be sorry for the time spent on research and once you find the answer to the question you will feel satisfied. In case you start gathering facts and find out that there is not enough info, you should better change the theme of your paper. This is so because the claims in it should be supported with real facts. And the lack of it will result in a low grade.

Deductive vs Inductive Reasoning

There are two ways to understand that something is true. They are often considered from the perspective of deductive vs inductive reasoning.
  • Inductive reasoning
The first way presupposes observing different examples and then making a specific conclusion. This approach can be explained using the example of a simple coffee shop. Let us say that you come to one and the same coffee shop regularly. One Tuesday you notice that they offer 10% discount on cold drinks at a particular time. Next Tuesday you notice the same and when you come to the coffee shop next Tuesday, the discount still stands for the same time and for the same type of the product. In this case, a logical inductive reasoning argument would be that each Tuesday, the coffee shop offers 10% discount for cold drinks at a specific time. In other words, a specific pattern in this case leads to making a certain conclusion.
  • Deductive reasoning
The other way of thinking presupposes opposite approach to the situation. For example, you find out from your friend that a specific coffee shop offers 10% discount for cold drinks each Tuesday at a certain period of time. In this case, you receive a piece of information that is a general truth and you expect to get an evidence of it. So, by coming to this place each Tuesday, you will expect to get your discount for cold drinks. This way of comprehending is based on learning a general truth and then supporting it by examples and evidences. This approach is called deductive reasoning.

Strong Sides of Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is common for all people who tend to recognize some patterns in everyday life and make conclusions based on them. In such way, you use your ability to analyze things in combination with the knowledge of the world and the way different processes work in it to realize that something is true or not true. Induction presupposes moving from analyzing specific information to generalization in an attempt to understand what the information actually means. Nevertheless, induction does not guarantee certainty in something. It is more a way to say that something is not completely false. Still, the argument will be stronger if you manage to use different lines of reasoning to prove and support some statement. The more supportive evidences you can find, the more reliable your statement and conclusion will be. There are specific things that have to be considered while using inductive reasoning:
  • Quality of data;
  • Amount of information obtained;
  • Possible additional data;
  • Relevance of information;
  • Availability of additional explanations.

Deductive Reasoning Components

Deductive reasoning requires a person to weigh relevant factors comparing them to the common knowledge of a particular matter and arrive at a conclusion. It consists of three key elements: premise, evidence, and conclusion. The first component (premise) is a truth, fact or assumption that induces the analysis and logical conclusion. An argument may have a few premises. The second component is evidence. It implies to the credible data that you have examined or other information related to the topic. The third component is the conclusion. It provides the decisive analysis of the issue you have discussed in your reasoning essay. The conclusion is based on equalizing premises and evidence. Here is an example of the three components in action:
  • Premise:  all parrots are birds.
  • Evidence: Nico is a parrot.
  • Conclusion: Nico is a bird.
This example is quite obvious yet accurate. As you can see, the essay outline is quite simple. It suggests that people can easily employ deductive reasoning in their everyday life. Let us consider an example. For instance, you go out to get your mail and morning newspaper and discover that there is a letter to a different person in your mailbox. In this case, you could assume that this letter is addressed to a former resident of your house. It is also possible that you happen to share the mailbox with your neighbor and have no knowledge of that. However, the most probable reason might be the mere fact that your mail carrier accidentally dropped the letter along with your mail. Your wisdom and life experience helped you deduct the logical reason for a strange letter in your mailbox. Of course, other variants can also be true but the last one is the most logical. However, if there were a proof of professional competence and responsibility of your mail carrier, you could change your deduction accordingly. Writing an essay that involves deduction requires the writer to use the likeliest possibilities and not only absolute proofs. This method is used in many fields: law, sciences, police work, literary analysis, investigative reports, etc. The essay of this type should be explicit and focused. In each body paragraph you should concentrate on a certain aspect of the issue, analyze various details, and arrive at a conclusion. The conclusion has to be supported by the evidence. You should examine the data you have to be able to draw a valid conclusion. Deductive reasoning is a common thing used by people in their day to day encounters. For instance, you wake up in your bed and feel that you have a stomach ache. You can make several conclusions. You may say that you ate something wrong the evening before, and it keeps haunting you this morning. You may also think that it is your appendicitis and you need a surgery. However, you may also take a pill and decide not to go to your work today, because you have a good reason to stay at home. You will use a variety of factors such as your personal experiences to make a decision. Logically, it can be appendicitis or wrong food, but you may still decide that it is better to stay at home, particularly if you already had similar issues with your stomach. Your deduction will be based on your premise (you do not want to work today) and evidence (your appendicitis was removed 10 years ago, and you did not eat anything wrong the day before). A superb deductive essay will have a clear subject and focus. It will be properly structured. Each paragraph will be devoted to a single aspect of the topic. You will use evidence to justify the relevance of your conclusions. You will draw support from at least one premise to see that your conclusion is right. Some of the most popular deductive essay topics in addition to those mentioned above include:
  • Socialism or Democracy
  • Freedom of Movement and Traveling
  • Truth or Lie?
  • Can Love Become a Problem?
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