Marketing Essay Samples

The Financial Crisis and the Housing Bubble
Considered as one of the greatest financial crises of all time, the 2008 global recession has rarely been understood by most individuals. Eight years on and there a lot of misinformation on the main causes of the financial quagmire...

Semiotics and Consumerism
Advertising is one of the core business functions. Through advertising, firms not only make their products known to the existing and prospective consumers but also persuade them to make a purchase. The advertisers usually consider the cultural background, the financial status and tastes and preferences of the potential buyer when designing an advert. The advertisers aim at triggering the various items that may appeal and arouse interests. This essay examines two adverts by Guinness and Mercedes to ...

Apple Risk Management
Apple Inc. is an American-based company that was founded by Steve Jobs in 1976. In the beginning, this company was established for the development of personal computers. In 2007, the enterprise started offering different consumer electronics. This marked a significant point in time when the company started diversifying its services and products. This caused an increase in their market share and thus their client base. There are other information technology companies that can be said to ...

Automatic Bubble Instant Noodles Machine
Nowadays, the instant noodles are supposed to be one of the most popular foods. The reason for this success implies its ability to assure the quick and fairly tasty meal in almost any condition. The cooking of the noodles requires just the usage of the hot water, which is quite convenient during the traveling, hiking and recreation. However, such product can be indispensable at home or at work when a full cook food is not possible or requires much time. Thus, the unambiguous positive quality ...

Jess Westerly Case Study
In this study, Jess Westerly is the co-owner of the product at Customer Relationship Management applications for traders of computer and office supplies at Kauflauf, a rapid-growing seller of subscription enterprise software whose headquarters are in the German city of Heidelberg. She was so ambitious that upon the commencement of her duties, she tried to implement some changes that made her suffer setbacks, but ...